Six Flowers of Phantasms, Shirayuki Decklist (Murakumo)

Six Flowers of Phantasms, Shirayuki is the main card of this deck.
This deck is based on calling units with the same name as one on the field just like Neo Nectar with the different to send it to the bottom at the end of the turn (clone), also for getting advantage when a unit with the same name is on the field. This time also features the new keyword ability Shadowstitch. A "Shadowstitch" ability only activates at the end of the battle that the specified unit attacked a vanguard; as long as attack of that unit did not hit during that battle, you may then perform its effects after paying any cost required.
Stealth Beast, Cat Devil
Stealth Beast, Cat Devil

Gateway Stealth Rogue, Ataka
Gateway Stealth Rogue, Ataka
(Stride Fodder)
Zeroth Dragon of Inferno, Drachma
Zeroth Dragon of Inferno, Drachma
(Zeroth Dragon)

Tips & uses

Grade0:-Our starting unit is Chain Sickle Stealth Rogue, Onifundo, it can back to hand and call 1 card of top 3 card from deck.
We use 8 critical trigger, 4 heal trigger, 4 stand trigger. Masamura is a yasuie basis critical trigger.
Tamayuki is a new type of heal trigger for Counter Charge (1) or Soul Charge (1).

Grade1:-Tanba is for recycle your unit from drop zone, and also get power +3k if any attack didn't hit.

Grade2:-Instant Swapper is good card of this deck, you can call 1 card with same name with your vanguard.
Dual weapon can call 1 card from deck with same name of your any grade 1 or grade 3 rear-guards.
Oboro Keeper help to search Shirayuki for you.

Grade3:-Shirayuki is the main engine of this deck, both card has defensive ability.

Grade4:-Sweetly Smiling Ice Petal, Shirayuki can reduce attack power of any of your opponent units, and her gb3 skill to give all shirayuki unit to attack from back row.
Yasuie Tenma is good finisher, it can copy a name and call continuously with same name until attacks hit.

Grade4 (Ultimate Stride):-We have new g-unit which is exclusive for for Dragon Empire nation, Zeroth Dragon of Inferno, Drachma is for ultimate stride, if you don't win the game with this unit then all g-zone will be banish. when this unit place on (VC), by paying Counter Blast (2), retire all of your opponent's unit and bid then including vanguard, then your opponent discard 2 cards from hand and put 1 card from hand to (VC), this is a ultimate finisher.

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