Star-vader, Chaos Breaker Crisis & Death Star-vader, Chaos Breaker Deluge are evolve form of Star-vader, Chaos Breaker Dragon which is the avatar card of Noa Hoshizaki in the CF Vanguard G Z.
This deck is focused in Lock your opponent unit and gain power with that and deal extra damage by putting lock card into damage zone.
This deck is focused in Lock your opponent unit and gain power with that and deal extra damage by putting lock card into damage zone.
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Tips & uses
Grade0:-Involution Star-vader, Carbon is our best main starter, its help to superior call the one Grade 1 or less unit from deck when your opponent have a locked card. Its help to call Metonaxe or zinc, and this card does not need gb so you can use this card any time as long as your opponent has a lock card.
We use 8 critical trigger, 4 heal trigger, 4 draw trigger. Paradigm Shift Dragon can lock 1 of your opponent's unit in back row and also help you to prevent deck out.
Grade1:-Ironclad Star-vader, Thorium is a new PG for star-vader deck, when this unit guard and if the number of your opponent's locked cards is three or more, you may draw a card.
Star-vader, Penrose Gate is stride fodder, its help to search a card with "Chaos" in its card name from deck when it discard for stride cost.
Star-vader, Metonaxe Dragon is good power up unit, when this unit boosts, if the number of your opponent's locked cards is two or more, this unit gets [Power]+4000, and if the attack hit a vanguard you can omega lock 1 unit.
Zinc is one of the most important card in this build, with this unit by putting it into the soul you can Counter Charge (2)/Soul Charge (2).
Grade2:-Star-vader, Strange Dragon is new ace grade 2 unit for chaos, when this unit place on (RC) if you have vanguard with "Chaos" in its card name, until end of turn, this unit gets, When this unit attacks or boosts, if it is an attack that a vanguard is being attacked, your opponent chooses one of his or her rear-guards, and locks it. If he or she could not lock a unit, this unit gets [Power]+5000 until end that battle. And if your opponent has a locked card, this card gets "Boost".
Star-vader, Globuladia is a new unit, when its place on (RC) your opponent chooses a card from his or her drop zone, puts it on (RC) as a locked card, and this unit gets [Power]+6000 if their are 2 locked cards. this unit can get a magic number with glueball.
Colony Maker is very helpful to superior call grade 1 units if our opponent has a locked card.
Grade3:-Star-vader, Chaos Breaker Crisis is the main card here, When this unit is placed on (VC), or when your G unit with "Star-vader" in its card name Stride, by CB1, your opponent chooses one of his or her rear-guards, and locks it. And his main 2nd skill when an opponent's locked card is unlocked, you may retire that unit, if you do, draw a card.
Star-vader, Chaos Breaker Dragon also lock 1 card and when an opponent's locked card is unlocked, by the cost of soulblast[ 1 “Star-Vader”]. If you do, retire that unit, and draw a card.
Grade4:-We have 11 Stride unit and 5 G guard.
Death Star-vader, Chaos Breaker Deluge is evolve from of chaos, he can force your opponent to lock 2 cards from hand and if the number of cards in your opponent's damage zone is four or less, you choose one of your opponent's locked cards, and puts that card into his or her damage zone face down.
Death Star-vader, Glueball Dragon is another best g-unit, with his skill your opponent has to lock one of his or her rear-guards for each face up card in your G zone. And his GB3 give all front row to [Power]+3000 for each of your opponent's locked cards.
Death Star-vader, Chaos Universe is a good stride, with its skill you can choose one of your opponent’s open rearguard circle and he/she calls an unit on that circle, also if you have two or more cards in G Zone, you can lock one of your opponent’s rearguard.
Genesis Machine Deity, Altwilder is a GB8 finisher, with his skill your opponent has to lock one cards from hand for each card in his or her damage zone.
Genesis Machine Deity, Desthagen, when placed on the Guardian Circle, if there’s 2 or more Locked cards in play, you can pay 1 Soul Blast to draw 1 card. In other words, these cards need not be your opponent’s Locked cards, they can also be your Locked cards.
Mixed Element, Coolburn is a G Guardian that gets stronger as the size of your opponent’s hand gets bigger! During a battle in which your opponent’s Vanguard attacks, you can discard 1 card from your hand to gain 5000 Shield for every 2 cards in your opponent’s hand.
With Lucas Carina and Destiny Guardian you can make a good combo and gain huge amount of shield.
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