Gear Chronicle

Gear Chronicle's theme is "Time Manipulation". The various gimmicks Gear Chronicle's playstyle utilizes are described as manipulating time itself.
Originally the clan's primary focus was putting rear-guards on the bottom of their owner's deck as a form of field control and getting advantages when they do this, while using effects that prevent the opponent from calling guardians with a certain grade.
Later the keyword Time Leap was introduced which allows a strong toolbox engine by swapping rearguards with others from the deck with one grade higher. By Time Leaping during the battle phase, this also alows the clan to do multiple attacks. The Zodiac Time Beasts add to this with effects that superior call directly from the deck and increasing their power in the presence of other allies.
Their third mechanic involves binding the player's cards and gaining advantages from those bound cards. The Idea-drones aim to quickly bind Zodiac Time Beasts to use the effect of Deus Ex Machina, Demiurge
Some cards in Gear Chronicle also have abilities that allow them manipulate Stride to a more advanced degree than other clans, such as switching out one heart card for another or increasing the Grade of cards in your hand when paying the cost for Stride.
Keyword Time Leap: A "Time Leap" allows you to bind the specified rear-guards, and in so doing, for each card that was bound, search your deck for up to one card that is one grade greater than its respective card bound this way (stated as "grade+1"), call it to any of your rear-guard circles, and shuffle your deck. At the end of that turn, put the unit that was called from the field on the bottom of your deck, and if you do that, call the card that was bound with this time leap to any of your rear-guard circles, if possible.


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